
Inspired by Thanksgiving menu

This was the first Chapter11Lab dinner party for a long time.  The table was set for 8 – Fiona did a beautiful job of setting the stage & also pairing the wines for a meal inspired by Thanksgiving.  Each course included a tiny bit of kitchen theatre – my intention was to serve as if the guests Read More…

pumpkin & truffle soup

smoked pumpkin – delicious organic heirloom pumpkin Truffle coconut cream water stock 3tblspoon rapadura cumin seed seared in ghee mozarella/truffle/ravioli Dessert: rapadura/Himalayan rock salt/cream sauce with banana

experiment #9

Ingredients fresh organic sour dough Aged eye fillet beef powdered truffle oil balsamic pearls This little recipe is going to sound a little Hipster’esk, but damn it was yummy.  I couldn’t resist sharing. It’s a thin slice delight; slice the sour dough thin, brush with a little olive oil (I actually used hemp oil – Read More…

experiment #5

My interest and experimentation with gelling agents started with a conversation with our friendly neighbourhood Sushi Chef, Tim from Armanogawa Sushi Noodle Bar.  We were chatting about my recent truffle fun…(that’s going to be a post on it’s own)… I was telling Tim that I’d made some truffle vodka and how much I thought it Read More…